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5 Things You MUST Do The Night Before Your Photoshoot
Let's face it, getting ready for your family photoshoot can take some work.. and the night before is especially important. This is when you really prepare for the next morning, and a handful of items are especially critical...
My Approach to Newborn Photography
Newborn photography, like anything else, has specific styles and methods that are popular among photographers. Right now, there are two main styles that most photographers fall into - Studio (posed) and Lifestyle (at home, not posed). My take on newborn photography is a little bit different.. because I kind of mix the two.
Alexandra & Whitney
There's a lot of shopping going on this time of year! Everyone is buying presents for their friends and family.. which makes me think quite a bit about the amount of money we all spend on things we don't really need...
Stella M'Lia 2017 December
It has been my honor to work with some of the best local businesses in Fairfield County. One of my favorites is Stella M'Lia, a tween- and teen-centric brand of special occasion dresses based in Greenwich, Connecticut. Stella M'Lia dresses are absolutely gorgeous. They're high-quality fashionable designer pieces that any girl would love to wear.. and it was such a pleasure to photograph five incredible young girls doing just that (some are professional models, while others have never modeled before)...
Cole, Allie, & Reese
It feels like it's officially winter! My family took the opportunity this past weekend (first snow of the season!) to get our Christmas tree. I also finally ordered our holiday cards. Being a photographer, it's my own family that gets forgotten about when it comes to photographs, especially this time of year...
Clara (Newborn)
With a photography Studio, sometimes people assume that it’s a big production. My Studio, however, is simply a relaxed little place to have photoshoots and client meetings. I don’t have a receptionist or a staff. There are no associate photographers. It’s not a retail store front (in fact, it’s tucked away on a second floor). And when you call my business phone line, I’m the only person who picks up...
Henry & Clara
There are a few business types out there that don't require a big monetary investment to start. Photography is definitely one of those. A lot of people have expensive digital camera equipment already, so it's a very easy transition to start charging friends for photos.. and viola! you are now a professional photographer, right?
Molly & Morgan
Every time I think about the families I photograph, I get this amazing feeling of warmth and gratitude. I am so thankful to have this job and to be able to work with some of the BEST families in Fairfield County. And that doesn't mean that all the kids I have in the Studio are super well-behaved. And it doesn't mean that all sessions go exactly as planned with nothing ever going wrong. All of those things happen, ALL the time.
Halloween Portraits
Halloween was absolutely AMAZING! I loved seeing all the adorable little kids in the Studio, wearing their costumes, and posing for the camera.
Sophie & Alexander
As kids grow up, family photos tend to go by the wayside. The children don't seem to change all that much year to year. There are a lot of weekend activities and sports games to attend, so there never seems to be any extra time during those precious weekend days.
Ilex, who is just around 8 months old, came into the Studio with his Grandma and Aunt to do a photoshoot as a gift for his parents. This was the first time Ilex was photographed professionally. And listen, there are many reasons why parents don't get professional baby photos. Sometimes they don't really feel it's important. They could too busy simply surviving day to day to even give the idea some thought (I certainly know how that feels!). And other times they feel that iPhone photos are good enough, so why bother?
Outdoor vs. Studio
I often get asked whether I do outdoor photos as well as in Studio. Especially in the fall.. when that is the standard for family portraits. What I usually say is "I specialize in Studio portraits.. and that's usually why my clients hire me". Now, there are certainly some exceptions.. but for the most part, I love the convenience the Studio provides. And here is an easy breakdown/comparison of the two options..
Ella & Henry Fall Lookbook
Every fall and spring, Ella and Henry showcases their new kids fashions for the season during a Fashion Show at the store in New Canaan. This is also when I get to take super quick fashion portraits on the kids.
I photographed Emma last year. She was just about to move to Washington DC and join a ballet dance company for a year of learning and dancing. We created dance portraits for her that showcased her graceful movements but also focused on her as a person first (because, let's face it, most photographers just focus on the dancing).
Not every Mom is super thrilled about getting professional maternity portraits. I, in fact, was one of those. I still am, deep down. Nobody really WANTS to be in front of the camera during the last stages of their pregnancy. I hear "I feel fat" a lot, and "OMG, I feel so huge" from my pregnant clients (none of who are actually fat, or huge, btw).
Top 5 Mistakes Parents Make with Baby Photos
Parents today face some pretty tough expectations when it comes to providing all possible comforts for their baby (heated butt wipes, I'm looking at you). Today's babies are also growing up as part of most photographed generation.. but parents are consistently making these 5 mistakes with baby's photographs which will leave their babies with no record of their childhood at all.
Mason, Oliver, & Taylor
Every family I work with is unique. Even though the people that come to me are drawn in by the fact that I provide an incredible quality of printing, not everyone walks away with a finished framed artwork (don't worry, everyone does walk away with beautifully matted fine art prints!), for one reason or another. And that's totally okay with me! It's all part of my philosophy of no-pressure sales appointments and catering to both DIY-inclined and full-service clients.
Charlotte, Alex, and Hudson
There is something really special about families who have three children. I guess it's never dull or all that quiet, but the thing that really strikes me is the relationship between the kids themselves. They tend to get along and play together. They're a band, with options.. because if one sibling isn't up for something, there's always another option.