Mason, Oliver, & Taylor
Every family I work with is unique. Even though the people that come to me are drawn in by the fact that I provide an incredible quality of printing, not everyone walks away with a finished framed artwork, for one reason or another (don't worry, everyone does walk away with beautifully matted fine art prints!). And that's totally okay with me! It's all part of my philosophy of no-pressure sales appointments and catering to both DIY-inclined and full-service clients.
I did want to share the couple of rules I go by when it comes to framing, since I do have clients who prefer to get things framed on their own.
1. Don't focus on a specific spot in your home.
Because people usually move a few times in their life, deciding on a photo size based on a particular spot where it will go a very short-sighted way of decorating your home. I discovered, after having moved recently, that I can easily find a new wall place for a frame in a totally different setting, even though I thought it would only look good in that one spot where I had it before. People usually come to me wanting a framed photograph in their kitchen, above the fireplace, or in the library/office, which is totally fine, but sometimes it's better to have an open mind about placement. You might end up with a glorious family shot that should be printed large and won't fit into that tiny area between your bookshelves.
Which brings me to my next point..
2. Frame size should be determined by the image that's in it.
There is a definite rule of thumb when it comes to print sizing and framing. Groups of people (like a family portrait) look great BIG. Single person portraits can be printed smaller and start looking a bit imposing if displayed in too large a size (unless you're Chuck Close, that is). And how far away someone will be when viewing the image plays a part as well. I personally don't recommend going below 11x14" for any family photo (plus mat and frame around that) for that reason. And bigger always looks better!
3. Stop looking at Pinterest for inspiration.
Looking at what other people are doing is sometimes a good way to know what you do and don't like, but basing your framing decisions on trends isn't my recommendation. My suggestion is to figure out what YOU like and to go with your own preferences. For instance, I can't stand tabletop clutter, so for me, having small frames around the house is a bit of a nightmare (imagine all the dusting that needs to happen!). I also absolutely love large poster-sized prints.. so a photo gallery wall isn't for me, while it might be exactly what you would love to have in your home. My point is, things are a lot more complicated than just having some framed photos around the house.. there's design involved and personal style. But no matter what you decide to go with, having printed and framed photographs in your house is always better than not.
And to bring it back to Mason, Oliver, and Taylor's wonderful family.. they will be framing a couple of 11x14" fine art prints from their session to hang in their beautiful home. Needless to say, the kids were pretty excited to see their images that large.. and I know they will enjoy them every day.