Not every Mom is super thrilled about getting professional maternity portraits. I, in fact, was one of those. I still am, deep down. Nobody really WANTS to be in front of the camera during the last stages of their pregnancy. I hear "I feel fat" a lot, and "OMG, I feel so huge" from my pregnant clients (none of who are actually fat, or huge, btw).
And when you already have two little girls and a full time job, like Krista does, you're probably not feeling like you have a ton of time to spare either. Krista is one of those incredible women who does so much: takes beautiful care of her children, works in marketing, helps her husband with his business (Ada's Kitchen + Coffee, which is super close to my Studio and which I visit at least once a week!), and does it all with the grace and patience of incredible proportions. And this is her third child. Another girl, to be specific - which everyone is really excited about!
The families I photograph are often very down to earth and casual. I don't make people dress up (the wardrobe styling always throws people off) or make them into someone they're not. And the same goes for maternity portraits. It's not about being glamorous if you're not that way in real life. Yes, you want to look your best. You want to feel beautiful and wear something that you love. But it's also about sincerity and comfort.
If you're pregnant and have two children already, those kids are going to be a huge part of your photoshoot. If your husband works all the time and you'd like to schedule a session so you don't miss having maternity portraits of your last pregnancy, you should! You don't have to follow what everyone else is doing. You don't need to be out in the field at sunset if your busy life makes it impossible. All you need is to capture this moment in your life so that your new baby will have that very important photograph of her Mom. And yes, it sometimes helps having a capable professional take that photo so that you actually like the images you get.
But most of all, I would encourage all those down to earth, casual, busy Moms to give the whole "maternity portrait" thing a try. I have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for that reason. Having even just one beautiful pregnancy photograph that you love is WORTH IT.