Photography Blog
Headshots | Brand Photography | Photography | Behind the Scenes | For Photographers
What To Do With Your Vacation Photos
Every summer, families take vacations which yield a mountain of photographs. These pictures are important because they remind us of all the fun we had together.. yet we rarely turn them into something tangible that we can….
RAW vs. JPEG: Photography File Formats Explained
With the popularity of photography, more and more people are becoming familiar with the RAW file format. Unfortunately, there seems to be some misinformation about RAW, which then leads to potential conflict between photography clients and …..
How to Prepare for your Baby's Milestone Session
Milestone Sessions are incredibly easy limited-edition photo sessions just for babies and children who are three months and older. But even with an easy session experience, putting a little bit of time in preparation goes a long way…..
5 Advantages of a Studio Headshot
There are a few choices when it comes to headshots. You can take professional portraits outdoors, in a Studio, or in your office/home setting. But there are a few very important advantages in investing in a professional portrait, specifically one that’s done in a Studio setting…
Behind the Scenes: Retouching
Cameras have megapixel resolutions that capture every single pore, crease, and eyelash. And if you’re not a model, that amount of detail can be scary. Retouching helps us regular people look our best in photos. It allows us to not worry about that pimple that came out of nowhere….
3 Ways to Use Photography for Self Discovery and Growth
Photography makes for a really fun hobby, but also comes with a side benefit of facilitating a journey of self-discovery for those of us who take it a bit more seriously. Women, especially those who have given up their careers to stay home and raise children discover photography as a way to express themselves…
Vacation Photos, Do's and Don'ts
Summer is the time for family vacations. As someone who loves photography, I went through a whole array of trial and error when it comes to vacation photos. Here are some of the best ways to approach vacation picture-taking when it comes to traveling and relaxing as a family…
Headshots, What to Wear
I’m a huge believer in being prepared. Which is why I put together this post in which I outline exactly what you should look for when selecting outfits for your headshot, what you should avoid, and how to think more like a stylist for your session…
Tutorial: Natural Makeup for Portraits (with Haus of Pretty)
Makeup is a really important step in getting ready for your portrait session. And since I personally am not well-versed in makeup, I teamed up with Kelsey Morey, the owner of Haus of Pretty in Westport, Connecticut to bring you an easy do-it-yourself guide to getting camera-ready for your photoshoot…
5 Reasons Why Summer is the BEST Time for Family Portraits
A lot of families will wait until November to do their holiday card photos. But just because that’s the norm, doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way. In fact, I absolutely love having clients come in during the summer to take care of Christmas card photos with a Studio photo session…
5 Reasons Why You Should NOT Hire Me
I get a lot of inquiries from potential Clients who want family portraits, especially during the fall. And while some photographers will try to accommodate all inquiries so they get the job, I take a slightly different approach.
How to Convince Dad To Do a Family Photo Session
There is a stereotype out there of Dads hating photo sessions. For some reason they got a reputation of being grumpy and displeased about working with a professional photographer, and it stuck. In my personal experience, there’s no real trend in guys being more difficult or unwilling…
Tips for Taking Photos of Children with Special Needs
I am Mom to two “differently wired” boys who I’ve been photographing since they were babies (they are now 8 and 5). They have always been my most challenging subjects. This post is specifically for parents of children who might have special needs or are simply a bit more challenging than their peers…
Get Ready! 2 Weeks Before Your Session
While it might seem that beautiful portraits happen in a click of a button, there’s actually quite a bit of preparation that is required for a successful photo session. And that preparation really starts right around 2 weeks beforehand…
9 Blogging Tips for Small Businesses
Blogging is one of those things we all know we should be doing, but is just so hard to get it done. As small business owners, we know that our online presence, SEO, and the content we create can define our success.. yet, time and time again we don’t post consistently…
Creating a Family Photo Gallery Wall
One of the things I’ve heard a few times from my Clients is the desire to create a photo gallery wall in their home. Now, there’s a very good reason why this project is both desirable and challenging at the same time. The mere task is daunting! Not to mention having the design, layout, plan, and implement the entire thing…
Brand Photography for Mary Heaven Acupuncture
Fun fact, Mary Heaven Acupuncture is right across the hall from my photography Studio. And I couldn’t be happier to have such an amazing neighbor! Not only am I so incredibly thankful to have met her, but am also so impressed with the wealth of her knowledge…
Best Photography Gifts for Mother's Day
Mother’s Day typically means breakfast in bed or a crowded brunch for Moms. But if you have a wife, sister, or daughter who loves photography, why not get her (or yourself) something a bit more special for Mother’s Day? Here are a few ideas that are sure to make a photography-loving Mom happy…
Behind the Scenes: Portrait Lighting
There are so many ways to do Studio portraits, but lighting truly makes the biggest difference. My lighting method, as it happens, is a bit unique. In fact, as with everything, my approach to lighting is to make things as simple and easy as possible…
How I do Personal Branding Sessions Differently
Personal Branding photo sessions are becoming more and more popular nowadays. And it’s no wonder, because more and more entrepreneurs are growing their businesses online using these types of images. So what makes my sessions different? Quite a lot, actually…