Family Nataliya Lalor Family Nataliya Lalor

5 Reasons Moms Need to Exist in Photos

I hear it way too often, “I’m never in any pictures”. Or “I don’t like the way I look in photos”. Or “I’m always the one with the camera taking pictures in my family”. The fact is, Moms are the least photographed out of all the family members, so it’s important to point out that effort needs to be made…

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Headshots Nataliya Lalor Headshots Nataliya Lalor

The "Signature Headshot" Session, Explained

There is always a certain amount of care and planning that goes into any new type of session. And for 2019, I am so excited to announce “Signature Headshot” Days, which will finally give cover the needs of business professionals who need an updated headshot…

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Headshots Nataliya Lalor Headshots Nataliya Lalor

5 Tips to Look Better in Your Headshot

If you work in any professional capacity or have an online presence in general, having a good headshot is no longer optional. And it’s not that hard to avoid some of the more common mistakes you see with headshot photos.. as long as you know a couple of tips that will help you look your best in front of the camera…

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Personal Branding Nataliya Lalor Personal Branding Nataliya Lalor

What is Personal Branding?

Personal Branding is the concept of managing your career and marketing yourself online through curated visuals and presentation. And a big part of it is photography. Personal branding is incredibly important for coaches, influencers, solopreneurs, and small business owners…

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Photography Nataliya Lalor Photography Nataliya Lalor

Choosing The Right Lens For Your Camera

As far as photography is concerned, the lens is often more important than the camera you’re using. How can that be? The camera’s main function is to record the scene, while the lens is the actual thing that defines what that scene looks like…

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Photography, Family Nataliya Lalor Photography, Family Nataliya Lalor

5 Myths About the "Digital Archive"

More and more families today are digitizing their old photographs, taking photos with their phones, and not bothering with prints as they rely on a digital archive of images. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with that, there are a few very misleading myths around digital media and the advantages of digital files...

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Family Nataliya Lalor Family Nataliya Lalor

Do's and Don'ts of Working with a Professional Photographer

Whether you’re having your first baby or simply never felt the desire to hire someone to take your family’s portraits, it can be a confusing thing to work with a photographer. You might be afraid of saying or doing something wrong. You might be unsure of the process. So this post is all about what you should do.. and a few things you definitely shouldn’t.

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Behind the Scenes Nataliya Lalor Behind the Scenes Nataliya Lalor

New! Website Update

Part of always trying to improve is having to change things. It’s not always my favorite thing in the world - spending time I can otherwise devote to something else - but updating the website is something I’ve been wanting to do for a few months now. And now that I’ve had a couple weeks over the holiday break, it finally happened…

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Behind the Scenes Nataliya Lalor Behind the Scenes Nataliya Lalor

2018, A Year in Review

It is nearly the end of the year. And as such, it’s a time for reflection not only from a personal perspective, but also from a business standpoint. It’s been an interesting process, running a small business as my sole source of income. Balancing raising little kids (who are thankfully that much closer to both being in Elementary school) with work commitments…

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Products Nataliya Lalor Products Nataliya Lalor

Introducing: Albums

It takes me about 2 years to add a product to my product line. Why? Because I’m very selective. I know first-hand what a disappointment sub-par quality can bring and it takes me a while to find that right company or individual to work with…

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Family Nataliya Lalor Family Nataliya Lalor

5 Ways To Be More Patient With Your Children During a Portrait Session

A portrait session tends to be incredibly stressful for parents, especially for Moms who understandably want things to go well (I’m trying really hard not to say “perfectly”, but it often does seem that way!). And when stress levels are high, paired with solid expectations of good behavior, finding patience when dealing with your children can be really hard…

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Photography Nataliya Lalor Photography Nataliya Lalor

Top Photo Gifts for Moms

It’s always hard shopping for Moms, because what we really want is a nap and a clean house. We are also often the ones taking all the photos. We care about capturing memories of our children. We want to remember what they look like as they grow, and we want to cherish this time we have together…

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Brand Photography: Back40 Mercantile

Back 40 Mercantile, located at 264 South Beach Ave in Old Greenwich, hits home on so many levels. And you can tell the moment you step inside! Based on the idea of an old general store, Back 40 Mercantile has a distinct modern look and a dedication to local artisans and sustainable goods. The entire space is meant to create a shopping experience for all five senses…

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