Photography Blog
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Now open! New Studio Location in Westport
The new Westport Studio location is officially open for photoshoots! The space contains a comfortable seating area, image viewing setup with a mobile flat-screen TV, wide photography backgrounds to accommodate groups of 3-4 people, hair and makeup area, private bathroom..
5 Reasons Why You Should Spend Money on Portraits
There are a lot of things we spend money on! Find out exactly why family photography is a smart thing to buy and the top 5 reasons why you should spend money on portraits instead of something else…
Necklace Tips for Portraits
Often selecting a necklace for portraits is difficult because it’s so hard to know whether a piece of jewelry will look right with the neckline, whether it will overpower the outfit, or maybe even cause problems when the person wearing it moves around…
5 Special Items to Include in your Baby's Photo Session
This is something I get asked all the time for baby milestone sessions: what should I bring to the photoshoot? Aside from your baby and a few simple outfits, you should definitely spend a few minutes thinking about any items that are meaningful in your baby’s life…
The NEW Headshot Rules for The Modern Headshot
You might have noticed that headshots are looking a little different nowadays. And if you haven’t, it takes only a quick comparison to see the difference between a headshot that’s out of date and one that follows the more modern approach…
How I Use Color in Portraits
When it comes to my photography, keeping things simple means that certain elements become more important than one would expect. Things like color, for instance, can either enhance the portrait or become too distracting…
Top 5 Headshot Mistakes People Make
The truth is, a lot of people are making some really glaring mistakes when it comes to their professional headshots. You see them on LinedIn, Facebook, and yes, even Instagram. Here are the top 5 mistakes…
5 Tips for Nailing Focus when Photographing Children
One of the most challenging hurdles to overcome when photographing children is to make sure their portraits are actually in focus. Children tend to move around a lot, don’t sit still, and are lightening-quick. And when you’re a professional photographer, you can’t rely on luck…
Behind the Scenes: Posing Families
Posing doesn’t have to look old-fashioned and obvious. It could be organic and flattering, and it an essential part of looking great in photos for those of us who aren’t natural-born models. This post is all about what goes into posing a family (big and small), my approach to getting those relaxed group images, and yes - even using posing to achieve candid shots that a lot of families absolutely love as part of their session.
Behind the Scenes: Retouching
Cameras have megapixel resolutions that capture every single pore, crease, and eyelash. And if you’re not a model, that amount of detail can be scary. Retouching helps us regular people look our best in photos. It allows us to not worry about that pimple that came out of nowhere….
Headshots, What to Wear
I’m a huge believer in being prepared. Which is why I put together this post in which I outline exactly what you should look for when selecting outfits for your headshot, what you should avoid, and how to think more like a stylist for your session…
5 Reasons Why Summer is the BEST Time for Family Portraits
A lot of families will wait until November to do their holiday card photos. But just because that’s the norm, doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way. In fact, I absolutely love having clients come in during the summer to take care of Christmas card photos with a Studio photo session…
5 Reasons Moms Need to Exist in Photos
I hear it way too often, “I’m never in any pictures”. Or “I don’t like the way I look in photos”. Or “I’m always the one with the camera taking pictures in my family”. The fact is, Moms are the least photographed out of all the family members, so it’s important to point out that effort needs to be made…
5 Ways To Be More Patient With Your Children During a Portrait Session
A portrait session tends to be incredibly stressful for parents, especially for Moms who understandably want things to go well (I’m trying really hard not to say “perfectly”, but it often does seem that way!). And when stress levels are high, paired with solid expectations of good behavior, finding patience when dealing with your children can be really hard…
Milestone Sessions Feature - Summer 2018
It’s a little late, seeing as it’s already October, but I figured it was still worth sharing the super adorable babies from this past August’s Milestone Sessions…
8 Ways a Studio is Better than Outdoors
Before I had a Studio space, I photographed on location. Outdoor sessions. In-home photoshoots. I traveled to clients and did location scouting to make sure we picked the perfect spot for their family. But more often than not, things weren't as idilic as you might think. Weather had to be checked obsessively. Last minute rescheduling was always a concern. And many little inconveniences (and some big ones, too!) added up to potential disaster on a daily basis…
The No-Risk Photo Session
Hiring a professional photographer can be scary. It's usually a fairly large expenditure. It requires time to prepare and a couple precious weekend hours to execute. It can be stressful too, because you never really know how the photographs will turn out. But what if you could have a no-risk photo session?…
Baby's First Year Milestones
The first year for a baby is so full of growth and development! It was one of my favorite times with my children because there is so much discovery and joy, on both sides. The one thing I missed, however, was having really simple, clean portraits of my children. I didn't have a Studio back then! And I was just starting on my photography journey. So I have lots of at-home photographs, and plenty of outdoor shots.. but nothing like what I provide to my clients now. Which, in many ways, is why I do it…
Newborns Without Props
Newborn photography has certainly evolved over the past few years. It's become more of a "thing", which is great, because more parents are getting professional photographs of their baby.. and there are more options than ever, too. But parents can also be left feeling left out if they don't exactly love the two main styles of baby photography we're seeing nowadays…
Milestone Sessions Feature - Spring 2018
Here is the biggest problem I see… Often after we have our baby, we get stuck in the day to day minutia of keeping everyone fed and alive.. in turn forgetting about preserving those precious firsts in our baby's life. Things like crawling, sitting up, smiling.. even finding their feet! All of those little milestones come and go so quickly. And before we know it, we have a full-fledged toddler on our hands with no frame-worthy photographs of our baby's first year…