Photography Blog
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How I Implemented "Profit First" in my Business
Finances are one of the biggest struggles when starting and running a small business. Not only are you excepted to keep track of everything, pay taxes, and follow all the legal requirements, but also actually make some money (that’s the whole point of this thing, right?)…
10 More Things About Me
Since my last “10 Things About Me” post was so popular, you get another 10 super fun things you probably didn’t know about me…
Behind the Scenes: Posing Families
Posing doesn’t have to look old-fashioned and obvious. It could be organic and flattering, and it an essential part of looking great in photos for those of us who aren’t natural-born models. This post is all about what goes into posing a family (big and small), my approach to getting those relaxed group images, and yes - even using posing to achieve candid shots that a lot of families absolutely love as part of their session.
Taking up Photography as a Hobby
In this article, I offer up advice for anyone who wants to get into photography a bit more seriously, is thinking about investing in their first DSLR (aka, a real camera!), and isn’t quite sure where to start, what they need, or how to generally approach taking up photography as a hobby.
Top 10 Mistakes All New Photographers Make
It seems like every day there’s a new photographer in town. As a more established business (I’ve been at this since 2013 after all!), there are a few mistakes I see new photographers make over and over again. While there’s nothing wrong with trying…..
Behind the Scenes: Retouching
Cameras have megapixel resolutions that capture every single pore, crease, and eyelash. And if you’re not a model, that amount of detail can be scary. Retouching helps us regular people look our best in photos. It allows us to not worry about that pimple that came out of nowhere….
3 Ways to Use Photography for Self Discovery and Growth
Photography makes for a really fun hobby, but also comes with a side benefit of facilitating a journey of self-discovery for those of us who take it a bit more seriously. Women, especially those who have given up their careers to stay home and raise children discover photography as a way to express themselves…
Vacation Photos, Do's and Don'ts
Summer is the time for family vacations. As someone who loves photography, I went through a whole array of trial and error when it comes to vacation photos. Here are some of the best ways to approach vacation picture-taking when it comes to traveling and relaxing as a family…
Tips for Taking Photos of Children with Special Needs
I am Mom to two “differently wired” boys who I’ve been photographing since they were babies (they are now 8 and 5). They have always been my most challenging subjects. This post is specifically for parents of children who might have special needs or are simply a bit more challenging than their peers…
9 Blogging Tips for Small Businesses
Blogging is one of those things we all know we should be doing, but is just so hard to get it done. As small business owners, we know that our online presence, SEO, and the content we create can define our success.. yet, time and time again we don’t post consistently…
Behind the Scenes: Portrait Lighting
There are so many ways to do Studio portraits, but lighting truly makes the biggest difference. My lighting method, as it happens, is a bit unique. In fact, as with everything, my approach to lighting is to make things as simple and easy as possible…
10 Things About Me
This post is a little different, because it’s about ME. Meet the person behind the lens with 10 facts you might not have known..
The Camera Doesn't Matter
I used to get a little envious when I saw someone with a large professional camera on the street. By definition, I thought they were a better photographer because they had a fancier camera. It makes sense, right? The bigger and more expensive the camera, the better the photographs. Well, I know a little better now! Because getting a big fancy camera did NOT magically make me a better photographer…