Photography Blog
Headshots | Brand Photography | Photography | Behind the Scenes | For Photographers
Brand Photography: Leann Kelly
A Personal Branding photoshoot is perfect for those of us who are transitioning into entrepreneurship. And that is exactly the reason why Leann reached out to schedule a session. She needed a full portfolio of highly custom images for her transition into the area of personal coaching…
Now open! New Studio Location in Westport
The new Westport Studio location is officially open for photoshoots! The space contains a comfortable seating area, image viewing setup with a mobile flat-screen TV, wide photography backgrounds to accommodate groups of 3-4 people, hair and makeup area, private bathroom..
What to Look for When Selecting a Headshot Photographer
What qualities are most important when searching for and selecting which corporate headshot photographer you should work with? If you said “ability to take good pictures”, yes, you’re right, but that’s only ONE out of FIVE areas you should be looking at, and it’s not even the first one…
Coronavirus and Putting Business On Hold
This was supposed to be a very different Blog post. I wrote it initially last week, right as Coronavirus was just getting serious in Westport (where I live) and Greenwich (where my Studio is). Since then, I’ve decided to cancel/reschedule all my sessions until April, at which point things will be re-evaluated…
5 Special Items to Include in your Baby's Photo Session
This is something I get asked all the time for baby milestone sessions: what should I bring to the photoshoot? Aside from your baby and a few simple outfits, you should definitely spend a few minutes thinking about any items that are meaningful in your baby’s life…
The NEW Headshot Rules for The Modern Headshot
You might have noticed that headshots are looking a little different nowadays. And if you haven’t, it takes only a quick comparison to see the difference between a headshot that’s out of date and one that follows the more modern approach…
How I Use Color in Portraits
When it comes to my photography, keeping things simple means that certain elements become more important than one would expect. Things like color, for instance, can either enhance the portrait or become too distracting…
5 Tips for Nailing Focus when Photographing Children
One of the most challenging hurdles to overcome when photographing children is to make sure their portraits are actually in focus. Children tend to move around a lot, don’t sit still, and are lightening-quick. And when you’re a professional photographer, you can’t rely on luck…
Taking up Photography as a Hobby
In this article, I offer up advice for anyone who wants to get into photography a bit more seriously, is thinking about investing in their first DSLR (aka, a real camera!), and isn’t quite sure where to start, what they need, or how to generally approach taking up photography as a hobby.
5 Advantages of a Studio Headshot
There are a few choices when it comes to headshots. You can take professional portraits outdoors, in a Studio, or in your office/home setting. But there are a few very important advantages in investing in a professional portrait, specifically one that’s done in a Studio setting…
Headshots, What to Wear
I’m a huge believer in being prepared. Which is why I put together this post in which I outline exactly what you should look for when selecting outfits for your headshot, what you should avoid, and how to think more like a stylist for your session…
Get Ready! 2 Weeks Before Your Session
While it might seem that beautiful portraits happen in a click of a button, there’s actually quite a bit of preparation that is required for a successful photo session. And that preparation really starts right around 2 weeks beforehand…
Behind the Scenes: Portrait Lighting
There are so many ways to do Studio portraits, but lighting truly makes the biggest difference. My lighting method, as it happens, is a bit unique. In fact, as with everything, my approach to lighting is to make things as simple and easy as possible…
The "Signature Headshot" Session, Explained
There is always a certain amount of care and planning that goes into any new type of session. And for 2019, I am so excited to announce “Signature Headshot” Days, which will finally give cover the needs of business professionals who need an updated headshot…
5 Tips to Look Better in Your Headshot
If you work in any professional capacity or have an online presence in general, having a good headshot is no longer optional. And it’s not that hard to avoid some of the more common mistakes you see with headshot photos.. as long as you know a couple of tips that will help you look your best in front of the camera…
The Ordering Appointment Explained
Every photographer runs their business a little differently.. and what happens after the session is one of those very important parts of the process. And when you’re considering which photographer to work with, you might prefer one method over another…
5 Ways To Be More Patient With Your Children During a Portrait Session
A portrait session tends to be incredibly stressful for parents, especially for Moms who understandably want things to go well (I’m trying really hard not to say “perfectly”, but it often does seem that way!). And when stress levels are high, paired with solid expectations of good behavior, finding patience when dealing with your children can be really hard…
3 Alternatives to the "Baby Book"
The “Baby Book” is one of those things we all feel we should create for our babies. The first child usually at least gets an attempt at the baby book. The one where you keep track of milestones, weight, height, etc.. and include pictures from the first year. At the end, it’s a lot of work for parents who are already sleep deprived, tired, and have a baby to take care of on a daily basis..
8 Ways a Studio is Better than Outdoors
Before I had a Studio space, I photographed on location. Outdoor sessions. In-home photoshoots. I traveled to clients and did location scouting to make sure we picked the perfect spot for their family. But more often than not, things weren't as idilic as you might think. Weather had to be checked obsessively. Last minute rescheduling was always a concern. And many little inconveniences (and some big ones, too!) added up to potential disaster on a daily basis…
Newborns Without Props
Newborn photography has certainly evolved over the past few years. It's become more of a "thing", which is great, because more parents are getting professional photographs of their baby.. and there are more options than ever, too. But parents can also be left feeling left out if they don't exactly love the two main styles of baby photography we're seeing nowadays…