Photography Blog
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Product Spotlight: Print Collections
While most of the print products my clients enjoy are sold à la carte (this gives everyone the most choice, btw), Collections exist for those who would like a set package of prints…
Behind the Scenes: Printing
I print my own work. And I do it for two reasons. 1) The turnaround is much faster because I am not waiting on a vendor to do their part, and then for shipping of the final product. My timing from photo session to final presentation of printed photographs is right around 1 week. And 2) I can control every part of the process…
Taking Care of Your Prints
One of the reasons my clients love their family photographs so much is because of the quality and presentation of the final product. In fact, all of the printing is done with museum quality materials and standards. And as with anything that you would like to last, you need to take special care to ensure they remain pristine for future generations.
Here are some guidelines on how to take care of your photographs...
Cole, Allie, & Reese
It feels like it's officially winter! My family took the opportunity this past weekend (first snow of the season!) to get our Christmas tree. I also finally ordered our holiday cards. Being a photographer, it's my own family that gets forgotten about when it comes to photographs, especially this time of year...
The Value of a Print
I hear a lot of "I love how you believe in prints". Which makes me a bit uncomfortable, because it's not about believing in tangible products at all. I simply want my clients to receive something that is more valuable than digital files. I want them to walk away not having wasted their money on an image that might be pretty, but will never see the light of day.