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2020, a Year in Review
Every year, I like to do a “Year in Review” Blog post to share some of the learnings from the year.. and 2020 is no different. I feel like we all learned so much (at least that’s the hope, right?) this year that it’s worth summarizing the biggest takeaways from 2020, both in terms of business and my personal life…
2019, Year in Review
At the end of each year, I like to do a review of sorts. What was the year like? Did I do well, or could I have done better? What worked and what needs to be changed moving forward? But more than anything, the end of the year is the perfect time to pause and reflect…
2018, A Year in Review
It is nearly the end of the year. And as such, it’s a time for reflection not only from a personal perspective, but also from a business standpoint. It’s been an interesting process, running a small business as my sole source of income. Balancing raising little kids (who are thankfully that much closer to both being in Elementary school) with work commitments…