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Behind the Scenes: Retouching
Cameras have megapixel resolutions that capture every single pore, crease, and eyelash. And if you’re not a model, that amount of detail can be scary. Retouching helps us regular people look our best in photos. It allows us to not worry about that pimple that came out of nowhere….
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Family Photographer
Here’s the thing, most people don’t know the options that are available when it comes to hiring a family or newborn photographer. They see a pretty family portrait their friend posts on Facebook and decide to hire that photographer for themselves…
3 Alternatives to the "Baby Book"
The “Baby Book” is one of those things we all feel we should create for our babies. The first child usually at least gets an attempt at the baby book. The one where you keep track of milestones, weight, height, etc.. and include pictures from the first year. At the end, it’s a lot of work for parents who are already sleep deprived, tired, and have a baby to take care of on a daily basis..
Newborns Without Props
Newborn photography has certainly evolved over the past few years. It's become more of a "thing", which is great, because more parents are getting professional photographs of their baby.. and there are more options than ever, too. But parents can also be left feeling left out if they don't exactly love the two main styles of baby photography we're seeing nowadays…
Demarest and Conway
There is one thing that Demerest and Conway's Mom said that really stuck with me. "I am so glad we did this photo session when we did." And what she meant was, I'm glad we waited until they were a little older...
My Approach to Newborn Photography
Newborn photography, like anything else, has specific styles and methods that are popular among photographers. Right now, there are two main styles that most photographers fall into - Studio (posed) and Lifestyle (at home, not posed). My take on newborn photography is a little bit different.. because I kind of mix the two.
I am not a trendy person. It took me many years to discover that I like things to be simple and clean, without much fuss or fanfare. And that definitely translates to my photographs.There are many trends out there. Fashion, of course. That's new every season. And every year the style and color is different. Fashion doesn't seem to care about body types or things looking flattering on people. Whatever is in style is what everyone is supposed to wear.
It's easy to figure WHY you would want photos of your newborn baby. These first few weeks of a baby's life are so completely and utterly new. You want to make sure to remember them, through the haze of doctor's appointments and all-night feedings. And often the iPhone photos don't really come close to capturing how you see your baby during that time…
There seems to be this idea of how newborn photo sessions should go. Your baby should sleep soundly through the whole photoshoot, allow herself to be changed and manhandled, and will overall be in the most amicable and pleasant mood the entire time. Never mind that she's in a totally new environment and has just been born a few weeks prior…