Photography Blog
Headshots | Brand Photography | Photography | Behind the Scenes | For Photographers
10 More Things About Me
Since my last “10 Things About Me” post was so popular, you get another 10 super fun things you probably didn’t know about me…
Brand Photography for Leah Rose Coaching
Personal Branding sessions are becoming more and more popular with Instagram and social media being such an essential part of marketing any business. And with more women taking charge of their own professional careers, building a……
3 Tips for Back to School Photos
Coming off of summer break, the first day of school usually involves getting up way earlier than you’re used to, making lunches, and getting the kids ready and out the door (hopefully with some time for coffee in between). So on that first day…..
How to Prepare for your Baby's Milestone Session
Milestone Sessions are incredibly easy limited-edition photo sessions just for babies and children who are three months and older. But even with an easy session experience, putting a little bit of time in preparation goes a long way…..
3 Ways to Use Photography for Self Discovery and Growth
Photography makes for a really fun hobby, but also comes with a side benefit of facilitating a journey of self-discovery for those of us who take it a bit more seriously. Women, especially those who have given up their careers to stay home and raise children discover photography as a way to express themselves…
5 Reasons Moms Need to Exist in Photos
I hear it way too often, “I’m never in any pictures”. Or “I don’t like the way I look in photos”. Or “I’m always the one with the camera taking pictures in my family”. The fact is, Moms are the least photographed out of all the family members, so it’s important to point out that effort needs to be made…
Top Photo Gifts for Moms
It’s always hard shopping for Moms, because what we really want is a nap and a clean house. We are also often the ones taking all the photos. We care about capturing memories of our children. We want to remember what they look like as they grow, and we want to cherish this time we have together…
Mothers and Children
I am so excited to finally share some of our Mother's Day portrait event images! There were so many beautiful Moms and kids who enjoyed my mini studio setup right inside the Ella and Henry children's clothing boutique in New Canaan, CT. This event is so special because Moms are rarely in photos and it's been my most important intention to get them in front of the camera more.