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The 10 Best Business Books for Photographers in 2024
As someone who’s read 60+ business books, there are plenty that aren’t worth investing time into. But as photographers, we definitely tend to focus on the creative aspect of our business and not so much the actual business aspect. I think it’s absolutely imperative that we actually understand how to run a profitable business first, because that’s essentially our entire goal here. If we’re not operating our business efficiently, with proper pricing and systems in place, we won’t last long - and we certainly won’t enjoy it in the meanwhile either…
Favorite Books From My 2022 Reading List
One of my most consistent routines is spending about 30 minutes in the morning reading with my cup of tea. It’s a ritual that started back in 2019 when I made a goal to read 60 books in one year (I then surpassed that goal in 2020 by reading 100 books, at which point I stopped focusing on counting and started to simply enjoy the process…
Favorite Books From My 2021 Reading List
All in all, I read over ninety books in 2021 and wanted to share some of my favorites for this past year…
What I Learned from my "60 Books A Year" Goal in 2019
Here are a few very important things I learned along the way of achieving my goal of reading 60 books this year, which will hopefully help and inspire you to do the same..