Photography Blog
Headshots | Brand Photography | Photography | Behind the Scenes | For Photographers
Creating a Sensory-Friendly and Accessible Headshot Photography Studio in Westport CT
My goal is to always offer a headshot photography experience that's warm and welcoming to absolutely everyone, no matter what sensory sensitivities or physical abilities my clients might have. I want to make sure every client feels valued and comfortable during their time with me and the Studio has been designed entirely with that in mind. In this Blog post, I will be sharing the design choices I've made in order to create a sensory-friendly and accessible Studio, so you know you're in a space that prioritizes your comfort at every step.
Best 2024 Paper Planners for Entrepreneurs & Photographers
I have 3 paper planner recommendations for 2024 that are all amazing choices if you’re a photographer, small business owner, entrepreneur, solopreneur, or even a busy parent with a side hustle who needs a bit more order in their life!
The Portrait Masters Conference, Review and First-timer Tips
In September, I attended the 2022 Portrait Masters Conference in Phoenix Arizona. It was my first time and when considering whether to go or not, I had trouble finding a lot of information online, especially first person accounts as well as tips for what to bring or what to expect…
Fully Vaccinated & Studio Update
I am very excited to announce that it has been two weeks since my second dose of the Moderna COVID vaccine, which means that I am now fully vaccinated. While there is a variety of opinions around getting the vaccine, I felt strongly that it was important to provide a safe and comfortable environment to everyone I have the pleasure working with in my business…
Now open! New Studio Location in Westport
The new Westport Studio location is officially open for photoshoots! The space contains a comfortable seating area, image viewing setup with a mobile flat-screen TV, wide photography backgrounds to accommodate groups of 3-4 people, hair and makeup area, private bathroom..
New Studio Update & Opening Date
As anyone who has ever embarked on a construction project knows, things always take longer than expected. This post is an update on my new Studio and where things are at the moment. I am personally always interested in these types of projects and assume it’s fun for everyone else to get a behind the scenes sneak peek on what’s happening right now, too…
Announcement: Studio is Moving to Westport!
It has been almost 5 years since I signed the lease on my photography Studio in Greenwich, and while I absolutely love being in that space and adore all of my local Riverside clients, I had to make the decision to move…
New Products and Services for 2021
I believe that every business should be fluid. And if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we should be willing to change and adjust based on the circumstances that are given. I’ve always been a big proponent of evaluating the services that are offered and figuring out how to best serve my clients…
2020, a Year in Review
Every year, I like to do a “Year in Review” Blog post to share some of the learnings from the year.. and 2020 is no different. I feel like we all learned so much (at least that’s the hope, right?) this year that it’s worth summarizing the biggest takeaways from 2020, both in terms of business and my personal life…
The Importance of Having a Process
One thing I had to learn (the hard way) about running my own business, is that having systems and processes in place isn’t optional. See how I use processes to work LESS and get MORE done, and why this is so important for every business to have…
Tips for Working from Home with Children
Learn the strategies and tips I use to get things accomplished during the day, how I structure my schedule, and how everyone can coexist in a household with two working parents and kids who are at home…
My Entrepreneur Story
I always thought I would work for a big company, slowly working my way up, with 3 weeks of vacation and all the security that comes with full-time employment. Needless to say, things didn’t quite work out that way…
7 Lessons from Coronavirus Shutdown for Small Business Owners
I choose to see both sides of a situation like this Coronavirus shutdown that’s happening in Connecticut and surrounding areas right now. And while it’s definitely far from normal, there are a few important takeaways I’ve learned during this time…
How to Prep for Professional Hair and Makeup
If you’re lucky enough to be doing a portrait session with a hair & makeup artist (this is an option for family sessions and included with all Personal Branding photoshoots), there are a few things you should do the morning of to prepare…
How I Decorate my Home with Photographs
I don’t believe you should ever sell something that you don’t actually use yourself. Personally speaking, photography is not only important in my life for my profession, but it’s also front and center in my own home. Now, that doesn’t mean that my house is covered in photographs from top to bottom…
How I Use Color in Portraits
When it comes to my photography, keeping things simple means that certain elements become more important than one would expect. Things like color, for instance, can either enhance the portrait or become too distracting…
Small But Mighty Improvements I Made in 2019
The one goal that’s always on my list every year is to evaluate and improve the processes in my business. See 5 changes I made in my business in 2019 that might seem small, but make a huge difference…
Why There's No Black Friday Sale
The question of having a BLACK FRIDAY SALE always comes up this time of year. As businesses try to push potential clients to make a purchase by discounting their wares, I have come to better understand my own feeling about this practice, and why it makes no sense for the business I’m running…
Why Are Professional Photographers So Expensive?
The prices that professional photographers charge for photos and print products can sometimes be a little shocking. There is a wide range of prices out there for photography, so it can naturally be very confusing..
How I Implemented "Profit First" in my Business
Finances are one of the biggest struggles when starting and running a small business. Not only are you excepted to keep track of everything, pay taxes, and follow all the legal requirements, but also actually make some money (that’s the whole point of this thing, right?)…