Maternity + Family
There are maternity sessions... and there are maternity sessions that involve an older child. Because once Mom is expecting baby #2, nothing is purely about the parents anymore. It becomes a family experience, and it's only fitting that everyone gets in on the fun, right?
So really, a maternity session doesn't have to follow any specific set of rules or conventions. It can be more about celebrating family, before things change. Or documenting the relationship between Dad and older brother, which is about to become that much more special. It's also about making sure baby #2 gets the attention he or she deserves (Mom and Dad are waiting to find out the gender).
Because the second child typically gets shortchanged when it comes to photographs.
It's a lot harder to commit to a maternity session when you already have so much to do. But the importance of having beautiful images for that second child is paramount. And I do everything in my power to make it super easy. All you have to do is show up.. and spend an hour hanging out with your happy silly family of three, before it becomes four.